Guaranteed rent for landlords

How you can help ease the social housing shortage with our Guaranteed Rent for Landlords scheme.

We all know there’s a ‘cost-of-living crisis’… And that it’s making life extremely difficult for people renting their homes as well as for homeowners. But according to an article by Robert Booth in The Guardian on the 5th of October 2023, the situation in England is particularly grim. Shockingly, the article quotes the Home Builders Federation (HBF) as saying England is now ‘the most difficult place to find a home in the developed world’. What’s more, the HBF claims that the proportion of people living in sub-standard properties is significantly greater than the EU average. What isn’t helping is the fact that we (England) have the lowest % of vacant domestic properties in the whole of the OECD. Frightening isn’t it, to think of England as the poorest performer out of a group of 38 countries including the US, EU, Japan, and Australia! Of course that lack of availability puts immense pressure on housing supply – which inevitably gives rise to the next depressing set of statistics cited by the Guardian piece:

‘About a quarter of private renters in the UK are also “overburdened” by housing costs – spending more than 40% of income, compared with just 9% in France and 5% in Germany, according to OECD data.’

The good news is that simply by taking part in the Abel Living Guaranteed Rent for Landlords Scheme you can do your bit to ease the situation!

As an independent landlord you’ll be all too aware of the movements of mortgage rates – record highs have led to a fairly dramatic fall in house values – down by 5.3% on average compared to this time last year. But as you know, that doesn’t mean you can reduce rents. Far from it! So it’s in the social housing sector that the shortage of properties is most acute. Everyone seems to be saying the solution is to build many more houses. But, as Conor O’Shea, a spokesperson for a coalition of several renters’ groups, points out, that will ‘…take many years to deliver and people stuck in the private rented sector in the here and now urgently need proper protections from unfair eviction, eye-watering rent rises and dangerous disrepair.’

Obviously there’s no magic wand to make things better. But we think you’ll agree that our Guaranteed Rent for Landlords scheme is the next best thing. By signing up your property or properties, you’re instantly adding to our growing pool of social housing and putting much-needed roofs over the heads of families across London and nationwide. In itself, that’s probably enough to give you a warm feeling inside in the knowledge you’re doing your bit to ease a national crisis.

That’s not the best bit though! We think you’ll find the stability, security and peace of mind offered by the Abel Living Guaranteed Rent for Landlords scheme even more attractive! Because by signing up, you automatically get up to five years’ rent fixed, guaranteed, and paid on the dot on the same day every month without fail – even when your property’s vacant or when the tenants fail to pay the rent or are in arrears! So, with a stroke of the pen you get rid of the most stressful part of being a landlord. You also offload the rest of the stress at the same time, including all those day-to-day nightmares, such as advertising the property, sourcing, interviewing, and selecting tenants, carrying out regular and frequent inspections to make sure your property’s being looked after, and even handling repairs and maintenance. 

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